Author Archives: Lord Leigh Park

Funky Butt Club in October

Brigitte Aphrodite @ The Cumberland


Alternative Miss Newcastle Pageant @ Divine Trash


Funky Butt Club Spring Dates


Journey to the centre of Uranus

Women in Revolt

Lady Koo supports Omar Souleyman at The Sage

Lady Koo will be pumping out a DJ set at The Sage Gateshead tomorrow when she’ll be playing African, Arabic and Central Asian tunes in support of Omar Souleyman.

Hall Two tomorrow night (Wednesday 7th December), 8pm

After two years spent whipping the world into a Dabke-induced frenzy, Syrian singer and Arab icon Omar Souleyman, with his musical collaborators, Rizan Sa’id (keyboards/beats) and Bahjat Ali (electric saz), creates the wildest, most jubilant dancefloor atmosphere you can imagine.

As his recent collaborator Björk puts it, “I think what’s refreshing about Omar Souleyman is the party – it’s fun. It’s really alive and very urgent… He’s really eager to make something that’s vibrant.” (NPR)

The myriad musical traditions of the Middle East are evident in the band’s music, which reflects the sounds of Syria, Iraq, Turkey and the sizeable Kurdish population of Syria, but with frenetic keyboard solos, sample hits and machine gun percussion intertwining with psychedelic electric saz and Souleyman’s vocals.

“…the most joyful, jouissant and probably unintentionally punk celebration of pure sound since the earliest days of Hardcore Techno” The Wire

“His humble beginnings, his undeniable alien cool, and the utter danceability of the dabke sound make for a compelling listen. Those surreal, disturbing lyrics make for the cherry on top.” BBC

Tickets: £10 and £12.50

Funky Butt Club on New Years Eve

Eddie & Sheena present DIVINE TRASH

Another Heartbeat: 3 films by Jeremy Marre